Thursday, January 1, 2009

New year!

hahaha Moving on to th next year was kinda fun with laughs and well maybe bad moods and all that crap but well

so lets see erm... overview of 2008~! hahah
well it has been an eventful one with lots of ups and downs!
lets see there was
-starting the year with being in the SLC exco?
(really enjoyed the times i spent laughing with the guys)

-getting the post of RSM and Logistics Head?
(didnt really expect to get RSM after i heard that i was getting log. head)
--> its a down but yeah haha got through it!

-our first ever Ncc camp that we were in charge of?
(it was a good experience, filled with lots of patch ups and well bad timing)

then just recently!
(met awesome friends who are gonna be there if you need a listening ear and also strenghten friendships)

so yeah my new year resolution for 2009:

  1. is to be a better brother to my bros!
  2. to be a better son to my parents
  3. to grow more spiritually!
  4. to score less then 10 pts for O's
  5. to finish off st gabs
  6. and also to really be a better friend to all my friends
  7. hahaha 1 more thing... to really stay committed to the cause!
so yeah thats bout it! haha if i have more! ill update haha but thats bout it for now! haha