Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sup! hahaha!
okay so this few days have been very lucky for me!
hahah! cos i didnt have to go to school like half of the ppl from my schooL! haha!
so yeah anyways i have been up early everyday though because i have tuition! hahah!
wah tuition really sucks the energy out of me! hahah
but no choice in order to keep my brain active...
if not ill be brain dead by the end of this week haah!
so yeah anyways its metamorphosis tomorrow! yay! hahah!
hopefully bertram is coming! he hasnt given me a confirm answer
but i know god will make a way! hahah!
alright so next would be im going for shepherds retreat! yay!
cos at first my parents were abit unsure bout letting me and my bro go
but in the end! hahaha they gave in! yay! THANK YOU MUM AND DAD! hahah
alright so thats bout it hahah! tomorrow ill go for a run in the morning! haha 630! i hope! hahah
k gtg now! CYA!