Sunday, February 15, 2009


well today i didnt actually wanted to wake up cos i slept kinda late the previous night...
but then my mum really wanted to go check out the orchid garden in botanical gardens so hah followed her! hahaha!

but it was a good experience the air was fresh and the environment was so peaceful besides the boy who jumped into the fountain feature! hahaha

anyways here are some of the photos taken by urs truly! hahah!

this was my first pict and i found it kinda interesting with the close up!
so prepare to see more of the same styles!
well this is pretty nice its very bright i really like the colour!
although the colour of this flower is the same as the 1st but then its different look carefully at the dark purple part cool huh? like a nose?
for this the lighting is kinda cool and the petals are like twisted so cool! hehehe!
very cool this one a mix is always good!white orchids cool huh?
hahaha yup this is the end for now!
part 2 coming in about 30 mins!
now hungry ah! haha pizza hut here i come!