Tuesday, February 3, 2009

well paradigm shifts are damn cool!
wanna know wads the meaning of a paradigm shift?
if its a yes, but ur hands at the side of your eyes so that it blocks your eyes from looking left or right by just rolling your eyes left or right....
haha okay hope you got it! now wad do u see? only straight right?
yeah exactly thats wad a paradigm is...
its like how you look at something, stereotyping to a certain extent...
so yeah now remove your hands....
you are able to see the left and right right? with out even turning ur head?
so a paradigm shift is a perspective... how u look at something or a situation at a certain way!
so yeah haha i learnt that well you cant always keep to one paradigm cos the next thing you know... it may not be the only way to look at something.
so yeah always remember paradigms maybe the way you look at things but that is not the only way to look at things!
there are many other angles to look at situations trust be it maybe hard but well but urself in another person's shoes or even the third person perspective...
your view about a certain thing or someone may just change!
good or bad depending on wad you think...

alright haha i did my post now im going to sleep then wake up to revise!